Video Conferencing – Best Way to Submit Your Research Paper

Video Conferencing, What Is It?

The advancements in technology have made it possible for people from all across the globe, no matter how far away and spread apart from each other they are, to connect with each other, not just with audio, with the aid of microphones, but also visually, with the help of webcams. Aside from getting in touch with friends, relatives, and acquaintances, this technology is also used by businesses worldwide to facilitate business transactions and conducting virtual meetings across borders. Most recently, in the academic world, this technology has been adopted for the purposes of conducting conferences.

Popularly referred to as video conferencing, this technology, more academics all over the globe are resorting to this virtual form of meeting with top experts, interacting with, and gaining the latest knowledge available in their respective domains and areas of specialization, without having to travel anywhere.

The Many Benefits Of Partaking In A Video Conference

In such as time as this, when the entire globe is coming to grips with novel Coronavirus pandemic, video conferences are perhaps the best alternative to regular conferences, considering that the key to the progress and advancement of all domains is partly through conferences where new knowledge is shared, opportunities for young academics and scholars to meet domain authorities and experts are offered, along with chances for participants to present as well as publish their research work and outcomes, in order to spread awareness of their work across the global academic community.

Some of the advantages that partaking in a virtual conference offers participants include –

1) Opportunity To Take Part In An International Conference From Home

Having the chance to take part in an international conference right from the comfort of one’s home is incredible. This makes it easier for participants to learn and gain more knowledge about the most recent advancements in their respective domains without having to be bothered about formalities such as dress code and greetings.

2) Possibility To Make Use Of The Time In Self-Isolation

In a time when most governments across the globe have imposed strict restrictions on travel and unnecessary movement to combat the spread of COVID-19, most academic professionals are self-isolating at home because of the quarantines, lockdowns, and curfews that have been put in place by their respective governments. For most, this time spent at home is more time that is not being spent on conducting research, interacting with domain specialists, learning new skills and developing capacities. Video conferences that require participants to have nothing but a good internet connection as well as microphone and webcam (in case they plan on delivering virtual presentations), to be easily able to do all this, while in isolation from the outside world, thus making good use of their time.

3) Saving On Conventional Expenses

Another added benefit of taking part in virtual conferences during this time of the global pandemic is that academics get to save on the normal expenses that they would have had to incur were they to take part in a regular conference. Taking part in a regular conference requires participants to invest not just their time but also a considerable amount of money. Costs incurred as a result of traveling to and from the venue, meals, accommodation expenses (in the event of destination conferences), and other miscellaneous expenses are unavoidable. Virtual conferences help participants save up on all of this, while also enjoying all the benefits of taking part in a regular conference.

The Methods Of Submitting A Paper Via A Video Conference

One of the key reasons for academics and researchers wanting to take part in conferences is to avail opportunities for them to submit their research papers to leading journals and publications operating within their field. The below-listed methods make it easy for all those looking to do so, to be able to have their papers published quite easily, with much ado.

1) Delivering A Presentation

One of the easiest ways to avail publishing opportunities from leading journals and publications is to deliver a presentation at a virtual conference. Making sure that the presentation is delivering smoothly and has the maximum impact is the key to getting noticed by publishers who might also be in attendance.

2) Linking Up With Partnering Journals & Publications

Much like regular conferences, top virtual conferences also have partnerships with leading journals and publications that offer promising participants and delegates easy opportunities to have their work published. Impressing the representatives of these journals is guaranteed to fetch you these chances.

3) Connecting & Networking With Representatives Of Leading Journals Who Will Also Be In Attendance

Most people are under the impression that virtual conferences do not offer participants the chance to network and interact with others during the event. This is however far from the truth. Participants are free to connect with professionals from the publishing community and strike up deals to have their work published in the journals and publications that these professionals represent.

4), Your Gateway To Top Virtual Conferences

Now that you are aware of all the benefits that partaking in virtual conferences have to offer, you might be intent on taking part in one as soon as possible. To do this, all you have to do is to head over to, which has been a leading conference-information provider for decades now, to access a comprehensive listing of all upcoming virtual conferences in your field.

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