Conferences in Telangana

Top Destination Conferences with Journal Publication

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International Conferences in telangana

Telangana is a southern state in India which is also the twelfth largest state in India. The state’s capital is the city of Hyderabad. Telangana Conference Alerts caters to providing alerts for conferences, seminars, and symposium conducted in the state for the year 2024. Conferences are conducted for the topics that may form one or more of law, business, and management, health and medicine, engineering and technology, Interdisciplinary, physical and life sciences, social sciences and humanities, mathematics and statistics and Regional studies. Academic Conferences in telangana provides the alerts for conferences conducted in colleges in addition to the conferences or seminars conducted with an official purpose with keynote speakers.

21st-22nd October 2024, Indonesia

The aim of the conference is to build a platform for experts, academicians, technicians, scholars from global universities ,industries to converge together and present contemporary research projects that inform & illuminate delegates about the progress being made.

2nd-3rd November 2024, Canada

The conference aims to facilitate the progress of mankind by serving as a means of abetting innovative research studies, networking amongst like-minded, kindred spirits within various disciplines, and also offering undervalued research professionals the chance to shine an international spotlight on their groundbreaking findings and works.

21st-22nd September 2024, Dubai

The conference aims to mingle with the stalwarts of one's discipline, getting to pick their brains on various phenomena and trending topics; making use of paper presentation opportunities, listing to world-class speakers, hearing mind-blowing lectures, etc - all these things which are driving scientific and technological advancement, are only facilitated by international conferences taking place across the globe.

26th-27th September 2024 ,Thailand

This great conference aims to pushes the skilled research professionals to make high-caliber innovations. They provide these professionals with a roadmap to follow in order to be able to achieve the best possible outcomes in their research work, their studies, their careers, and also equip them with the necessary expertise and network of contacts.

Conferences in telangana 2024